Why I Eat A Kiwi A Day

I am an avid snooze-button hitter. Mornings are just not my cup of tea.

If you’re anything like me, you know those nine minutes of snooze is prime time and is essential to a slightly happier morning. Before bed, I like to calculate exactly when I have to set my alarm(s) so I can have my maximum sleep. This leaves me little to no time to properly get ready, let alone grab breakfast. In the past, I would skip breakfast altogether and rush out the door. But that’s when I discovered the impressive benefits of a certain brownish-green fuzzy fruit. Ever since, I’ve been squeezing in two extra minutes every morning for these small but mighty kiwis. And here’s why you should too. 

Mood Improvement 

Growing up, we have all been encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables for a healthier diet. I understood the benefits they have on our physical health, but I was never aware of the significant impact they have on our mental well-being as well. Fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, such as kiwis, are found to be effective in enhancing one’s mood and decreasing levels of depression.

In a 2013 research study conducted on young adult males found that there was a correlation between mood improvement and the supplementation of kiwis. More specifically, the results showed a decrease in levels of depression and mood disturbance, meaning an improvement in mood consistency. 

Moreover, a 2020 study confirms the relationship between improved mood and kiwis. This study compared the effectiveness of kiwis to Vitamin C tablets. Though both kiwis and Vitamin C tablets showed an increase in well-being, the effects of kiwis were “broader” (affecting more people) and occurred earlier, while effects of Vitamin C tablets were “narrower” (affecting only people that were initially Vitamin C deficient) and occurred throughout the study. This highlights the benefits of whole food that may not be found in single-nutrient supplements. 

Decreased Fatigue 

The abundant Vitamin C in kiwis also contributes to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue. Containing more Vitamin C than oranges, kiwis can keep you energized throughout the day. 

Immune System Boost

In the age of COVID-19, the strength of our immune systems is more important than ever. Eating kiwis can boost your immunity because Vitamin C acts as antioxidants and wards off diseases. A kiwi a day may really keep the doctor away! 


For people who have trouble falling asleep, eating a couple of kiwis before bed could help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, as these fruits are rich in serotonin and antioxidants.

Digestion Aid

Kiwis have plenty of fiber, which promotes digestion. Furthermore, kiwis contain an enzyme called actinidin that helps break down proteins.

The benefits of kiwis are quite astronomical, despite the small size of these fuzzy fruits. Improving both our physical and mental health, kiwis can better our overall sense of being. If you’re not a fan of kiwis, that’s alright too; there are plenty of fruits and vegetables out there with just as great benefits. The important thing is to make sure you are putting your health first and being mindful of your daily nutrient intake. After all, you are what you eat.


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