Self-Love and Combating Negative Self-Talk

How many times a day do you engage in negative self-talk? Whether it’s blaming yourself for a mistake or putting yourself down for failing to meet a goal...constant negative mental chatter has the power to seep into our subconscious and influence the way we view ourselves.

Sometimes this can make us feel like we’re not enough. But guess what? We were all placed on this earth to fulfill our unique roles in life. Whether you believe it or not, you are enough.

Self-love is about embracing yourself just as you are, right at this moment. You don’t have to wait until you earn X amount of money or lose X amount of pounds before you can start accepting yourself for you. 

We are our harshest critics, which is why it is even more important to be kind and be there for ourselves when we need to be taken care of.

So the next time a negative thought surfaces, ask yourself: “how would I comfort a loved one in this situation?” Then proceed to talk to yourself with the same love and compassion. Constructive self-talk helps you grow while destructive self-talk...destructs.

We always hear “treat others the way you’d want to be treated”, but we never hear “treat yourself the way you’d treat others”. We deserve the same love and compassion we give!


Celebrating the Small Wins: The Importance of a Healthy Mindset