5 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Energized

Sure, at times, it is difficult to find the energy to do a certain task. But usually, this feeling will disappear within a few hours because it is something natural due to perhaps stress, tiredness, or procrastination. But if you feel like you’re not fully energized to do things for days, it might be something more serious than that. Depression is not something that disappears within a few days, especially if it takes a negative toll on your body, anxiety, mental health, stress levels, excitement, and more. 

When you feel this kind of slump, here are five ways to try and make you energized and come out of that slump. 

The first and most important thing is to let yourself feel the emotions and try to overcome stress. Oftentimes, we are not wired to feel sad or depressed thoughts due to work and school. However, if you continue to push yourself, soon you will start to hit hard onto that feeling without knowing how to get out of it. Sometimes, it’s best to let yourself feel the emotions, whether it be crying it all out or letting that stress go through cleaning or exercising. The best way to come out of that slump is by allowing yourself to feel the wave of emotions so you can overcome it and conquer your tasks. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone if you think counseling or talking with a close friend is helpful. Allow yourself to indulge in ways to overcome this emotional state so that it can make you feel more relaxed. 

The second thing you can try is journaling. The trend these days would be bullet journaling, but at times, you may find it difficult to draw every little detail and lines onto the page. Just grab a cute notebook of yours and write everything down if you feel like that is another way to relieve yourself of your emotional state. Not only will it help you to conquer those emotions, but you can look back at your writings, realize how stressed you were, and figure out ways to de-stress and have less anxiety over similar tasks. You can help your future self deal with these emotions better without having your future self worry with more things later on. The more you start writing, the better you feel. 

The third thing is to get some exercise. Especially during this stage where the pandemic allows us to stay home with family, getting some exercise with them like walking around the park in the hour or playing some video games together can help you de-stress. Also, Vitamin D is important for our bodies, especially with feelings, so it is definitely recommended to get a few hours of sun. Not only is slouching over the computer all day going to make you feel more upset, but the lack of exercise and working out might be the reason why you’re not feeling energized. Doing some new exercises or a simple HIIT workout will definitely get your body moving and release yourself from responsibilities or emotional distress. 

The fourth thing is to get some food that excites the palate. Oftentimes, people de-stress by eating the spiciest curry or the sweetest cupcake. Whatever you’re craving, it’s best to eat that the moment you feel the drain of energy to do things. Usually, stress can be the reason why you are feeling emotional or anxious over school or work, so it’s best to tackle that feeling with something you can’t resist. Whether it be flaming hot wings or the creamiest ice cream, indulge in what you like to eat for the day because it can help you feel more energized and less overwhelmed with stress. 

The last thing you can do to feel more energized would be trying something new, whether it is knitting or baking. Something you’ve never tried before because that can initiate excitement and a new sense of energy. Definitely, you can try easy crafts to decorate your room or you can try baking some homemade cookies with sprinkles. Whatever you decide on, do something that you think you might enjoy because it brings excitement and definitely will give you the boost of happiness. 

Although there are many reasons why you might be feeling de-energized to do things, never try to push yourself to do something you don’t feel comfortable doing. Do what your heart pleases but make sure you’re safe mentally and physically. These suggestions are things that I do to overcome my mental struggles whenever I feel depressed or de-energized. I hope you can try these steps out for whenever you feel the same!


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